Featured Client: Naikoon Contracting Ltd.

At the end of 2023, I was commissioned to create all new team portraits and a series of custom branded images for Naikoon Contracting Ltd. , based in North Vancouver, B.C., to be used on their new website, launched in 2023 along with their beautiful new branding (designed by the talented team at hcma).

Working with their Marketing Director, we came up with a strategy to really capture the personality of the contracting firm as well as showcase their dedication to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail when it comes to the efficiency of the construction project.

I worked with each of the company’s team members to create unique portraits of them to be used on their website and across social media, making sure to capture each employees personality and find unique locations that felt like their natural habitat.

Seeing my photographs used throughout Naikoon’s new website and on their social pages is so rewarding, as the images blend seamlessly into their overall brand identity and work to create a high end, yet personal image for the company.

Make with Mariel

I’m Mariel. I’m a professional photographer, and a passionate maker. I’m always working on something, and this is a collection of all the things I’ve made and learned that I think are worth sharing.

I love having a project on the go. I’m enthralled with: gardening and growing food, finding new and budget friendly ways to live sustainably, and working on our 90’s townhouse one project at a time. I’ve always loved to cook and bake, and these days, my recipes are geared towards what my kids will (sometimes) happily eat!


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